Festival BAB
In the summer of 2020 I animated the opening intro for Festival BAB - Biennial of Animation Bratislava which takes place biennially in October in Slovakia. The local music band PARA gave us their great song Celé tie roky which I used as a sountrack for animation. All the scenography is made out of used second-hand clothes and recycled textiles.
Direction and Animation – Martin Smatana
Supervision Tomas Danay
Music by PARA - Brutalna Zostava
Sound - Vojtech Zavadil
Post-production - Blue Faces
Grading - Dominik Prokop

Many thanks to Frantiska Bencatova, Martina Ceretkova, Kris Saganova, Marek Jancuch, Martina Fiabanova for your help.

Special thanks to Nova Synagoga Zilina.