A dog named Patron helped Ukrainian emergency services find 200 unexploded bombs. President Zelenskyy awarded Patron the Order of Courage.

Brazilian skydiver Luigi Cani released 100 million seeds from 28 native trees while leaping from a plane over a deforested area of the Amazon rainforest.

After forty years, rhinos have been reintroduced to the Zinave National Park in Mozambique.

In 1982, Japanese yachtsman Kenichi Horie was the first person to sail solo across the Pacific. He repeated his voyage sixty years later, becoming the oldest person to make a non-stop crossing from Japan to the United States.

Two-year-old Barrett from Texas ordered 31 cheeseburgers while playing with his mother’s mobile phone. Since the order couldn’t be cancelled, she threw a cheeseburger feast for people in the neighbourhood.

A hiker who was injured while climbing in Croatia’s mountains was saved from freezing to death by his dog. The animal lay on top of him, keeping him warm for 13 hours until they were reached by rescuers.